UPD: Збір закрито!
пряма мова мами:
“Доброго дня! Хочу поділитися чудовою новиною. Зробили обстеження МРТ та MIBG і результат ПОЗИТИВНИЙ, пухлини НЕМА, і це завдяки Турецькому професійному лікарю нейрохірургу Serdar Baki Albayrak, він дуже професійно та якісно зробив свою роботу видалив всю пухлину, та подарував життя моєму дорогоціному синочку. Хімії та ТКМ не буде, тільки постійний контроль та реабілітація ніжок. ”

Diagnosis: neuroganglioblastoma

Required:$ 66,250

UPD: Vlad has already undergone an operation and removed most of the TUTORIALS! in debt! They have already returned to Ukraine!


2 year old boy needs 14,500 dollars for an urgent surgery to remove the tumor !! I NEED YOUR HELP !!!

Vladislavchik’s mom- Anya Chibuk asks everyone who is not indifferent to save her son. Anya – an orphan, lost her parents early, and now she  has remained with the sick sick son.

Vladislavchik was born a healthy child and up to 5 months Anya just enjoyed motherhood. Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma ekstraintravebral (simple cancer tongue) at the level of Th8-L5, sounded like a bolt from the blue.

September 17, 2015 –  Vladislavchik was operated for the first time and partially removed the tumor. Following the operation, the baby survived six blocks of chemotherapy, after which there was a remission. The deterioration of the condition of the baby made Anya again seek funds for diagnostics, which they do not conduct in Ukraine.

On the third block of chemotherapy, a relapse occurred, the child was in extremely serious condition. Ukrainian doctors spread their hands and said that there is no treatment in Ukraine.

Vladik spent all of 2017 in Ukraine, where every 3 months they underwent a survey. The last MRI showed that the tumor began to grow. A survey in Turkey, thanks to the means of volunteers from Italy, showed that Vlad needs to urgently perform an operation so that the tumor does not pinch the nerve limbs and does not lead to irreversible serious consequences.

Now the Turkish clinic “Medical Park” put an account for 14 500 dollars.

Help Ana save the life of her son !

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