Yelistratov Vladimir

The project is complete!

Thanks to all who contributed to help! 

Yelistratov Vladimir

2,5 years old

Diagnosis: chronic bilateral sensorineural deafness since birth

“On the second year of Volodya’s life doctors of Cherkassy Regional Center stunned his family with diagnosis – chronic bilateral sensorineural deafness since birth. For the boy’s family it was a terrible sentence. To confirm the diagnosis the family went to Kiev. They confirmed the diagnosis, putting 4 degree of deafness with hearing loss 95-100 dB. At such hearing loss hearing aids are powerless, but there is a solution – cochlear implants. The cost of such an operation – 29 500 euros (about 846 thousand UAH.) – It is very heavy sum for a small family. Now Volodya is 2 years 5 months old. Cochlear implantation is necessary to realize to 3 years old until the the language center of the child is formed. In other case the chances are that Volodya could hear and speak are zero. ”


Details for assistance:

Card Private Bank 4149 4978 5064 3109

p / c 29244825509100

MFO 305299 EDRPOU 14,360,570,

recipient – Alekhine Tatiana (mom)

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