Direct assistance


Varchenko Vladislav Vladimirovich City: Yatranovka village, Cherkasy region Diagnosis: consequences of spinal cord injury, fracture of C5, C6 vertebrae with damage to the spinal cord in the form of paraparesis. Dysfunction...

Lisa has an early lesion of the CNS, atonic-asthenic syndrome, and has a delay in psycho-speech development - this is one of the types of cerebral palsy

The parents were waiting for Misha with love and hope. But during childbirth, doctors had to make a vacuum. It was a critical moment in the life of the family. Brain...

Matthew is a very nice and smiling boy, but diagnoses are given in signs


Julia Palamarchuk Diagnosis: “Necrotic enterocolitis, cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia, in the phase of lying with head control” Julia Palamarchuk was born one of the twins ahead of schedule, and this affected...


Name: Grushovets Ania, 11.01.2013 City: Golubne village, Rivne region Diagnosis: structural epilepsy with frequent polymorphous attacks, resistant to therapy, delayed psychoverbal development, dysarthria, chronic recurrent cystitis, pyelonephritis, hip dysplasia, subluxations on...


In 3 years, small Dimka does not know how to sit, walk, eat - he has cerebral palsy


Taras Vynnyk Kyiv region rehabilitation course is 5000 UAH This is Taras, he is from the Kyiv region and he is 5 years old and he is from a large family!...

She is a young mother of 1 year old baby bedridden.

When Mariya was 5 years old, she and her mother were hit by a car. After an accident due to stress, the child closed completely and stopped talking at all. 3...

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