Elizaveta Zatorska

Zatorska Elizaveta, 28.01.2014
City: Sivaske village, Kherson region
Diagnosis: Atonic-asthenic syndrome, mental retardation, persistent motor disorders
36000 UAH

“I’m Lisa. I am 8 soon and I continue to write my story. To write, because I can’t tell all this yet. So far, I have some sounds, small words, but not sentences, not stories, not songs. After the last course, which my mother asked you to help, I had the best result. More letters, new words, I started jumping on my feet and even running a little. My mother and I continue to learn numbers, letters, because I have a dream – I want to go to school. I know other children don’t dream about it, some don’t want to, and my mother and I dream that I can go to school and study like others, and answer questions, and teach poetry, and retell long texts, all by myself!”.

After rehabilitation in Kiev, Lisa really became much more active, faster and more collected. Her diagnosis is early CNS damage, sagging legs, arms, tongue. That’s why Lisa still doesn’t know what her peers have learned for a long time – to talk, run, jump. And for the next course in March, plans for as many as 40 days of classes, corrections, exercises and treatment with rehabilitation specialists, speech therapists, specialists, so that even more new words appeared, the tongue became even more obedient, and strength appeared in the legs.

Lysa’s father is a priest, and her mother does not work, because she spends all her time with the girl and her brother, so the amount of UAH 36,000 is not affordable for the family. We ask for help to gather for the next rehabilitation course and help Lisa to speak.

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