
UPD: Збр закрито! 14 тисяч євро із 20-ти потрібних зібрали. Решту суми – 6 тисяч євро батькам передали батьки Діанки Батій “Діанка Батій – Боротьба за життя”. Це кошти, які так само небайдужі зібрали на порятунок їхньої доні, їхнього Янголятка, яку, нажаль, так і не вдалося врятувати.

Diagnosis: bilateral chronic sensory and renal deafness
Necessary: ​​UAH 756,000 for cochlear implantation

“We know that for ours, our family is just one of the thousands who are asking for help. But for us, our history is one. ”
– this is how the mother of 2-year-old Denis Saliy begins her letter. To look at Denis, you can not see anything suspicious – funny, cute, always with a smile, but the problem is in the middle ear, in the snail, the nerve hairs on the auditory nerve do not work, they can not transmit sound to the brain. Denis has bilateral chronic sensory neural deafness. Modern medicine can not give an answer – why. But for the Denis family this is a terrible fact.
Denis, does not understand that he does not hear, but will understand it soon, and it’s scary. Cure it is impossible. – but there is an output – cochlear implantation – hearing prosthetics – a device that will allow the child to hear sounds and live a high-grade life. And the cost of a cochlear implant – 756 000 UAH!
His family lives in a small house on the outskirts of Smela in the Cherkasy region. Mom and her husband bring up even the eldest son – schoolboy. A typical Ukrainian average family that does not have significant savings, car, real estate and anything valuable that could sell. Live on men’s salary and child care. In the queue for state-funded hearing aid Denis at number 276 – this means that this year’s funds will not be enough precisely, and the next is not known whether they will be. Everything the family could borrow – already borrowed and now repossess. Already collected a little more than 5,000 euros.
Denis help group: – https://www.facebook.com/yangolyaD/

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